



51, away from the shadow of the boss, humming a happy tune, singing a happy tune, leaving the stuffy room, stepping on a happy small step, enjoying a happy small day. Happy May Day!


Sunny morning, relaxed and happy mood, leisure time, send you a simple greeting, send sincere blessing, I wish you a happy May Day! Have a good time!


May Day holiday, a pot of wine slowly taste, sometimes go out to relax, sometimes look at the beautiful scenery, although the message is less, the sentiment is true, only wish you happiness without worry! Happy little long vacation!


Enjoy achievements on the stage, enjoy life under the stage, enjoy insipidity when resting, enjoy brilliance when busy, enjoy health on weekdays, enjoy blessings when the holidays are over: wish you a happy May Day!


On May 1 Labor Day, we invite you to work: move your thumb, pick up your cell phone, point your two thumbs up, float your words and sentences, turn your little thumb around, and send out your SMS. happy International Workers ' Day!


Treat life as seriously as work, treat work as fanatically as love, treat labor as naturally as breath, treat future as calmly as reality. happy International Workers ' Day!


May Day holiday is just a few days, take advantage of this opportunity to have fun, I wish you health and safety, worry and sorrow aside, left look right smile sweet, everywhere gold you can pick, may day happy!




Let go of the work at hand, enjoy the holiday leisure, slow down the pace of making money, feel the rare serenity, forget the busyness and rush, and experience the joy of the festival. happy International Workers ' Day!


On May 1, forget all the troubles and annoyances. On May 1, forget to work under pressure. On May 1, make more connections and increase feelings. On May 1, wish you a happy mood.
